
Pride Month 2020

As Pride Month 2020 winds down we hope you have had a chance to checkout some of the awesome products in the store, however in this Covid-9 world not everyone is out and about. Additionally, we want everyone to be able to access items featuring LGBTQIA+ characters, storylines, and creators.  To help do this we have created this simple link ( to help you browse this portion of our inventory at home year round. 

If you know we have something in stock that should be included please let us know!  Additionally, we are providing copies of “A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns,” at no cost, to business owners and HR departments who are interested in receiving one.  Please contact us at or send us a Facebook message.

“Archie, a snarky genderqueer artist, is tired of people not understanding gender neutral pronouns. Tristan, a cisgender dude, is looking for an easy way to introduce gender neutral pronouns to his increasingly diverse workplace. The longtime best friends team up in this short and fun comic guide that explains what pronouns are, why they matter, and how to use them. They also include what to do if you make a mistake, and some tips-and-tricks for those who identify outside of the binary to keep themselves safe in this binary-centric world. A quick and easy resource for people who use they/them pronouns, and people who want to learn more!”

-from the publisher




A Geeky Community for All

This store has always been about community. We welcome geeks of all kinds. We love you all. 

Blue Ox grew from playing games with my family as a kid. From getting my first comic at a gas station. From playing D&D, first with my brother and then with my friends in high school and college. From the people I traveled the United States with to play the Magic the Gathering.

It grew from the experience of growing up in Fayetteville, NC. The experience of being biracial. The experience of being a part of FCCYC (Fayetteville Cumberland County Youth Council) where I met some of the most amazing people who were all kids just like me, yet also completely different from me in many ways. The experiences of being at ECU as a student and staff member.

And it continues to grow as we play together. Talk about comics together. Debate the quality of movies and shows together.

We are a part of this community and we know it is hurting. Some of these wounds are fresh, but many are old and scarred. These wounds need attention and caring and a plan to heal.

I turn to geeky things for hope. I want love to be our weapon. I want us to fly on a ship in the stars filled with people from many races working together. I want a Captain who plants himself like a tree and says "No, you move." I want us all to be "Worthy." But we need to do tangible things too.

As a part of the community we all are in this together. We need to believe in Greenville. We need to talk to each other. We need to listen with every fiber of our being to each other. We need to break bread with each.

I love you all. We are here for you and will continue to be here for you.

Stay home when you can. Stay safe. But love each other above all else.


We didn't want this to get lost in the Facebook post feed. This is from a post I, Harry Frank made on June 1, 2020 on the store Facebook page.


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vulputate ipsum urna, quis molestie risus egestas venenatis. Praesent venenatis feugiat lobortis. Sed euismod condimentum leo a tristique. Duis in elit mattis leo rhoncus gravida eu id ante. Nulla ipsum purus, venenatis ut suscipit nec, auctor eu magna. Maecenas consequat ligula eget orci aliquet hendrerit. Nunc eget sem eu augue condimentum tempor finibus a erat. Morbi at neque est. Cras pulvinar augue eu ipsum ullamcorper facilisis.

Quisque erat nisi, rutrum nec congue a, condimentum condimentum nisi. Cras congue lacus a nisl vehicula congue. Curabitur urna erat, consequat id tincidunt sit amet, ornare non odio. Quisque nisl justo, feugiat quis imperdiet vitae, tempus vitae lorem. Quisque a erat molestie, venenatis metus ac, condimentum leo. Praesent viverra ultrices sapien et scelerisque. Aenean vel tempus nisi. Cras fringilla mi eu luctus tincidunt. Etiam vitae fermentum erat, sed lacinia arcu. Praesent malesuada et purus vel elementum. Fusce non tristique mauris. Quisque tempor metus eu placerat iaculis. Nam molestie lorem nulla, non sagittis dolor aliquam sed. Duis turpis felis, tincidunt in dignissim in, pharetra vitae diam.

Mauris vestibulum neque id ipsum sodales interdum. Maecenas eu ligula eget odio facilisis sodales. Nullam ac gravida risus, in malesuada ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed consectetur ex ac ligula posuere tincidunt. Suspendisse tristique pretium velit, vitae luctus odio condimentum ut. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Sed condimentum fringilla lacus id rhoncus. Morbi in velit leo. Donec quis varius arcu, at scelerisque mauris. Phasellus ut commodo nunc, sed convallis nulla. Morbi quis orci lacus. Etiam non pulvinar mi. Aenean at ultrices mauris. Vivamus urna ligula, rutrum vel metus in, accumsan suscipit tellus. In sit amet tortor congue, pretium dui at, rhoncus nisi. Integer nibh purus, facilisis ut magna at, rutrum tincidunt quam. Curabitur lacinia ipsum id dui mattis, quis egestas neque commodo. Phasellus pretium molestie quam, congue malesuada arcu pretium id. Nunc facilisis erat nisl, aliquam posuere risus fringilla eu. Vivamus commodo luctus nulla, in pellentesque velit sagittis quis.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ultrices enim et lectus interdum, at porttitor tortor congue. Morbi tristique nibh vel elit dignissim, sit amet dapibus ante rhoncus. Vestibulum commodo felis lacus, sit amet tincidunt felis mattis eget. Pellentesque rutrum massa erat, in interdum augue accumsan non. Morbi tempus diam id tincidunt cursus. Aenean at mattis arcu, quis commodo justo. Vestibulum enim turpis, volutpat eu aliquet non, tempus non purus.

April newsletter - Springtime at Blue Ox Games!

Hello all,

Welcome to springtime at Blue Ox Games! (Hopefully we can get the weather to stay springtime!) Now is the time for new beginnings, so try out a new board game or card game at the store.  We are excited to teach you a game or you can come out on Monday nights for our fantastic board game night! (If you missed International TableTop Day, you missed out on a blast!!!)


Enter the Dragon’s Maze - Magic the Gathering’s newest set!

A massive puzzle spans the city-world of Ravnica, and all ten guilds race to be the first to crack the mystery. Rumors abound that whoever navigates the maze of clues could command world-shaking power. Will your guild take the prize?

The prerelease for Dragon’s Maze will be a special event: you're going to be diving into your own Implicit Maze, competing against the other guilds to see who can win the race to Maze's End. Just by participating you'll get the promo Maze's End!

The Guild Prerelease packs at the Dragon's Maze Prerelease are going to be a bit different than those you used at the Return to Ravnica and Gatecrash Prereleases. Inside they will have:

  • One Return to Ravnica Guild Booster Pack
  • Four Dragon's Maze Booster Packs
  • One Gatecrash Guild Booster Pack

We will be running events a little differently too. We will hold our normal 4 round events on Sat. April 27th (midnight, 1pm, & 7pm) however we will run only one large scale event on Sunday at 1pm. This event will offer a top 8 (or top 16 ) payout based on attendance.  If we have 75+ people playing in the event each player will receive either a free FNM entry or $5 off a future booster draft on top of the already great prizes!

Prepays and preregistration will begin April 5, 2013. Event preregistration for the prerelease will end on April 19th. Prepays discounts will end on April 26th.

If you preregister for multiple events you will get the following bonuses:

  • Guild Initiate (2 Events*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event
  • Guild Apprentice (3 Events*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event, 2 packs of Ultra Pro solid color sleeves
  • Guildmage (4 Events*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event, 1 pack of Ultra Pro solid color sleeves at each event, 1 Ultra Pro 9 pocket binder, and an 800 count box to hold all your new cards in plus you will be entered in a special drawing for a Guilds of Ravnica t-shirt!

*Please note these are per person; four people cannot split the 4 Events prepay.

We will also be pre-selling booster boxes ($100), fat packs ($35), intro sets ($65), and common/uncommon playsets ($35).  These can be found on the website in their typical sections.


Get in the know, get the info, go to!

We have a new website to provide you with articles and information on the games you play and love. Plus this site will help you get to know the people who help you out every day at the store. So hop on over to to read about some of the games you enjoy.


If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact Harry (


Sale of the Month:

In honor of National Humor Month

All Munchkin products are 20% off


Upcoming Events

4/7 - Stars Wars Sunday! (open play for X-Wing and the Star Wars LCG at 2pm)

4/7 - Kaijudo Duel Day (every Sunday at 4pm - bring your constructed deck or pick one up!)

4/8 - Final block tournament for the Gatecrash sealed league at 7pm

4/13 - Heroclix No Man’s Land Month 5 event at 12pm

4/13 - Legend of the Five Rings sealed event at 2pm (come early and learn to play!)

4/14 - Cardfight!! Vanguard Team League 2013 Shop Qualifier at 1pm

4/14 - Magic GP Houston Trial (Standard construction - $100 prize) at 1pm

4/21 - Warhammer 40,000 Tournament at 1pm (Battleforce prize!)

4/21 - Pick-Your-Pack Booster Draft at 1pm

4/27 - Dragon’s Maze Prereleases (#1 at 12:01am; #2 at 1pm, #3 at 7pm)

4/28 - Dragon’s Maze Prerelease #4 at 1pm

4/28 - Ascension tournament at 4pm ($5 entry, winner receives newest expansion!)


Madness in March

March Magic Madness

It is March in North Carolina and you know what means… March Magic Madness!!!! Inspired by basketball (and Chris Faulkenberry) this will be a seeded, single-elimination event taking place over the last half of March. Since it is a bracketed event we will have to sign people up to fill in brackets (i.e we need 8, 16, 32, or 64 players). Additionally we will be recording matches (and therefore scheduling them) so this hopefully large event will have a great deal of flexibility! Need more specifics?  Here you go!

Entry: $10

8 players - (standard only, 1st place - Gatecrash box)

16 player - (standard only, 1st place - Gatecrash box; 2nd -4th - 12 packs)

32 players - (first two rounds are standard, top 8 draft - 1st place - two Gatecrash boxes; 2nd -4th - 12 packs)

64 players* - (first three rounds are standard, top 8 draft - 1st place - two Gatecrash boxes; 2nd -4th - 18 packs) Additionally, the Stellar Sixteen get a free Friday Night Magic, the Outstanding Ocho get a set of either Gatecrash or Return to Ravnica shocklands, the Not-in-the-Final Foursome will get custom shirts (or mats). We will also print of a large bracket if we have 64 players.

 Seeds will be determined by lifetime Planewalker Points on March 15th. If you want to reserve your spot you MUST email sales@blueoxgames with the subject heading “March Magic Madness” by March 15th. Players will be added to the event in order to make brackets as complete as possible. Signing-up guarantees your place in line, but not your place in the event.  If large numbers of people sign up, but we don’t have enough to make 64 (or way too may) we will consider running a Not-Invited-Tournament.


*Since Chris Faulkenberry planted this idea in our heads, he will be seed 65 and will play seed 64 in a “play-in” if he is interested. If seed 64 loses they will receive their entry fees back as well as a free Friday Night Magic entry.


Cardfight!! Vanguard, Kaijudo, and Spoils!

This month we invite you to try out a new trading card game! We have great events for Cardfight!! Vanguard coming up including a sneak preview for the Comic Style set and the Stand Up! Qualifier event, which is the first step towards becoming a world champion! Kaijudo will have a set premiere event for the Dragonstrike Infernus set and league events on Sundays at 4pm. Lastly, we will be receiving some demo materials for Spoils in the next week or so. This will lead to a free 8 player event in April, so come out and try out this innovative game that was created with the help of gaming pros like Jon Finkel. We have demo decks for all of these TCGs (as well as Magic, Yugioh, and Legend of the Five Rings) so step out of your comfort zone into a great game!


International Table Top Day! From Geek & Sundry

International TableTop Day is a celebration for all the fans of tabletop gaming. A single day where the whole world is brought together in a common purpose of spending time together and having fun. Blue Ox Games will participate in this worldwide event by running demos, tournaments, and clinics all day long. We will also have door prizes and hopefully some cool suprises. Blue Ox Games, along with Geek & Sundry ask you share your experience by using the social media hashtag #tabletopday on all your posts, pictures, stories, and videos and #blueoxgames for any fun you have at the store. This way, we can all share in the fun wordwide. Let's for one day, all come together, put down our worries and play more games. For more info go to


Sales of the Month:

Plaid Hat Games - 20% off


In honor of National Craft month:

Paints, brushes, and tools 15% off


Upcoming Events

3/2 -Cardfight!! Vanguard Awakening of Twin Blades Win-a-Box at 1pm

3/3 - Build Your Own Standard (BYOS) Event - at 1pm

3/3 -  Star Wars Card Game & Star Wars Miniature Games Open Play at 2pm

3/3 - Kaijudo League at 4:00pm

3/4 - Board Game night! - Mice & Mystics Demo at 7pm

3/4 - Sealed League tournament at 7pm

3/9 - Magic Flashback Draft - triple Innistrad draft at 1pm

3/10 - Pick-Your-Pack Draft - $5 entry + cost of packs (or bring your own) at 1pm

3/10 - Star Wars Miniature Tournament - $5 entry at 2pm

3/10 - Kaijudo League at 4pm

3/11 - Sealed League tournament at 7pm

3/11 - Board Game night! - Summoner Wars demo at 7pm

3/16 - Kaijudo Set Premiere - Dragonstrike Infernus at 4pm

3/17 - Warhammer 40K tournament (Chaos Battleforce for 1st!) at 1pm

3/18 - Magic Modern constructed event at 1pm

3/18 - Kaijudo League at 4pm

3/18 - Board Game night! - Dungeon Run demo at 7pm

3/23 - Cardfight!! Vanguard Stand-Up Cup Challenge! at 1pm

3/23 - Magic Standard constructed Win-a-Box at 1pm

3/24 - Build Your Own Standard (BYOS) Event - $5 entry at 1pm

3/24 - Cardfight!! Vanguard Sneak Preview - Extra Booster 1 Comic Style! at 1pm

3/24 - Star Wars Card Game tournament at 2pm

3/24 - Kaijudo League at 4pm

3/25 - Board Game night! - Summoner Wars demo at 7pm

3/30 - International Tabletop Day from 12pm to 10pm

3/31 - Build Your Own Standard (BYOS) Event at 1pm

3/31 - Magic Commander Grand Melee at 4pm

3/31 - Kaijudo League at 4pm

For love of gaming - February at the Ox!

Hello all,

A short month brings a short newsletter! Just want to remind you of our regular event schedule and announce an upcoming new “service” being offered by Blue Ox Games.

Regular Weekly Schedule

Mondays - Warhammer 40,000 League (6-10pm); Sealed League tournaments (7pm)

Tuesdays - Cardfight!! Tuesday Fights! (7pm)

Wednesdays - Magic Booster Draft (7pm)

Thursdays - Magic Commander League (6-10pm)

Fridays - Friday Night Magic: Standard (7pm); Friday Night Magic: Booster Draft (8:30pm)

Saturdays - Heroclix (12pm); Cardfight!! Vanguard (1pm); Yugioh (4pm); Magic Booster Draft (7pm)

Sundays - Build-Your-Own Standard/Modern/etc. Magic events (1pm); Star Wars Card Game & Miniatures Open Play (2pm); Yugioh (4pm)


Plus keep your eyes out for more even more special events!

Blue Ox Games Articles & Videos

We know you can’t get enough of the staff of Blue Ox Games, so we decided to give you more. Starting this month we will bring you articles, tournament reports, and videos! If you have any ideas for articles or videos please do not hesitate to let us know. We will post more information on our Facebook page when we are ready to launch!


Sale of the Month:

Days of Wonder games 20% off


Upcoming Events

2/16 - Cardfight!! Vanguard Awakening of Twin Blades Sneak Preview at 1pm

2/17 - Warhammer 40,000 Blue Ox Games Open Championship tournament at 1pm

2/17 - Cardfight!! Vanguard Blue Ox Games Invitational

2/17 - Magic Modern Win-a-Box

2/23 - Gatecrash Game Day at 1pm

2/24 - Gatecrash Game Day at 1pm

2/24 - Star Wars Miniatures tournament at 2pm

2/25 - Gatecrash Sealed League - tournament at 7pm


Thanks for shopping Blue Ox Games and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us! 

January at the Ox!

Welcome to another year of gaming! It is hard to believe that we are starting our third year, but we couldn’t have done it without you!! And now on to the info…


Yugioh Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek & Preordering

In ancient times, a legion of evil souls was banished to the heavens, to endure centuries of imprisonment. Now they have seen the error of their ways, and the strongest of these souls have returned to Earth, to make things right and do penance for their crimes.

Returning to their original forms, each has also gained the power of a mighty animal spirit, which they can manifest through their legendary weapons. No longer merely men, these immortals now walk the earth as Beast-Warriors from the very heavens.

Cosmo Blazer brings you the first eleven of these souls, with weapons in their hands and animal spirits in their hearts, assembled together as The Brotherhood of the Fire Fist. Their mission: To cleanse the earth of evil with the fires of the heavens!

We will have a Sneak Peeks for Cosmo Blazer on 1/19 & 1/20 at 4pm. Players who participate in the sealed deck event will have a chance to receive Astral Pack prizes. The playmat drawing will take place after the sealed event and you must be present to win.

Additionally, we have Cosmo Blazer boxes ($63) and 2013 Prophecy Destroyer Tins ($15.99) available for preorder.  Prices for these will go up once they are released so prepay and save!


Magic the Gathering: Gatecrash!

We continue our adventures in one of the most beloved planes in the Multiverse – the sprawling city-plane of Ravnica. This block is bringing back old favorites like the “shock-lands” and the guilds, but showing a new side of this world no longer ruled by the guildpact. Last set reintroduced us to five guild (Azorius, Golgari, Izzet, Rakdos, and d Selesnya) and this set completes the cycle by reacquainting us with the Boros, Dimir, Gruul, Orzhov, and Simic guilds.

We will be holding our usual six prerelease events, but due to the unique Guild structure of the prereleases and the anticipation for this set, we will be preregistering for individual events and Guilds.  First, let me explain what will happen at the prerelease.  You will choose a Guild (one of the five 2-color pairings available) and receive your Guild prerelease pack.  This pack will contain 5 Gatecrash boosters, a special Guild booster, a Guild prerelease card that you can play with at the event, a letter from your Guildmaster, an achievement card, and a spin-down life counter.  All for $25 when you preregister!

If you want a particular Guild prerelease pack you will need to register early as we have a limited supply per guild.

If you preregister for multiple events you will get the following bonuses:

  •  Guild Initiate (2 Events*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event
  • Guild Apprentice (3 Events*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event, 2 packs of Ultra Pro solid color sleeves
  • Guildmage (4 Events*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event, 1 pack of Ultra Pro solid color sleeves at each event, 1 Ultra Pro 9 pocket binder, and an 800 count box to hold all your new cards in
  • Forger of the Guildpact (5 events - 1 per Guild*) - five bonus raffle tickets at each event, 1 pack of Ultra Pro solid color sleeves at each event, 1 Ultra Pro 9 pocket binder, 1 Mini-Monster binder, free $7 draft coupon, a Blue Ox t-shirt (when they are made) and a 800 count box to hold all your new cards in

  *Please note these are per person; four people cannot split the 4 Events prepay.

We will also be pre-selling booster boxes ($100), fat packs ($36), intro sets ($60), and common/uncommon playsets ($45).  These can be found on the website in their typical sections.

All preorders/prepays must be purchased by 1/18.  All prices will go up on 1/19.


Star Wars: the Franchise Strikes Back!

While the next Star Wars movies are off in the future, there is a ton of great Star Wars related stuff released recently that is great. Check it out what we are talking about below:

·         Star Wars: the Card Game: This LCG from Fantasy Flight combines all the fun of a traditional trading card game with the lower cost of a board game. Expansions are complete not collectible, but there is still a ton of deck building options.

·         Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game: Get in the cockpit for exciting dogfights between X-Wings, Y-Wings, TIE Fighters & TIE Interceptors. This miniature game is easy to learn, easy to get started (miniatures are fully painted and assembled), and easy to enjoy! We even have preorders available for the next wave of ships coming in February which includes the Millennium Falcon and Bobba Fett’s ship, Slave I.

·         Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG: Are you into Star Wars? Well delve even deeper with this new role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe. The Beginner Game box comes with everything you need for 3-5 players to get started.

·         Star Wars Limited Edition Art Sleeves: Get these awesome sleeves with six different pieces of artwork including Slave Leia!


Warhammer 40K League

We are starting a new year and that means a new league and a new night! That is right, we are moving league night to Mondays so we hope to see you. If you are interested in signing up for the Warhammer 40K league, the cost is $10. League members get 10% all Games Workshop miniatures and $5 off entry into Warhammer 40K tournaments during the league time. We will start this league off with a community painting & assembling of the ton of terrain we purchased for the store. This get together will be 1/7 at 6pm and we will provide pizza if you provide the help! League play for this entire league will be 1850.


Sale of the Month:

Fantasy Flight Games are 20% MSRP!


Upcoming Events

1/5 - Heroclix - No Man’s Land #2 @12pm

1/6 - Build Your Own Standard (BYOS) Win-a-Box @1pm

1/7 - Warhammer 40K Community Night - Help paint and assemble terrain @6pm

1/12 - Win boosters for your favorite TCG: Free Kaijudo Learn to Play event @4pm

1/13 - Magic Modern Win-a-Box @1pm

1/14 - Learn to Play: Star Wars: the Card Game @6pm

1/18 - Yugioh 2013 Collectors Tin released

1/19 - Cardfight Vanguard Welcome Event @12pm

1/19 - Yugioh Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek @4pm

1/20 - Warhammer 40k tournament @1pm

1/20 - Blue Ox Games Magic Invitational @1pm (invite only - spectators welcome)

1/20 - Yugioh Cosmo Blazer Sneak Peek @4pm

1/21 - X-Wing Game Night @7pm

1/25 - Yugioh Cosmo Blazer set released

1/26 - Magic Gatecrash Prerelease events @12:01am, 1pm, & 7pm

1/27 - Magic Gatecrash Prerelease events @1pm, 4pm, & 7pm

1/28 - Star Wars: the Card Game: Game Night @7pm

2/1 - Magic Gatecrash released

2/2 - Magic Win-a-Box of Gatecrash @1pm

2/2 - Yugioh Win-a-Box of Cosmo Blazer @4pm

2/3 - Magic 2HG Gatecrash Booster Draft @1pm

2/10 - Cardfight Team Tournament @1pm

2/23 & 2/24 - Magic Grand Prix Charlotte


Thanks for shopping Blue Ox Games and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Top 8 Decklists from Star City Games IQ on 12/8/2012

Player Name: Jay Carter

Deck Name: 4-Color Control

1st Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


3 Blood Crypt

3 Cavern of Souls

2 Forest

1 Kessig Wolf Run

1 Mountain

4 Overgrown Tomb

3 Rootbound Crag

1 Sunpetal Grove

1 Swamp

4 Temple Garden

1 Vault of the Archangel

24 land


4 Avacyn’s Pilgrim

2 Borderland Ranger

3 Falkenrath Aristocrat

4 Huntmaster of the Fells

4 Restoration Angel

4 Thragtusk

1 Thundermaw Hellkite

22 creatures


3 Bonfire of the Damned

1 Devil’s Play

4 Farseek

3 Lingering Souls

1 Mizzium Mortars

1 Oblivion Ring

1 Ultimate Price

14 other spells



3 Centaur Healer

1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

1 Mizzium Mortars

2 Olivia Voldaren

3 Rakdos’s Return

3 Slaughter Games

2 Ultimate Price

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Chris Morea

Deck Name: UWR Flash

2nd Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


1 Cavern of Souls

3 Clifftop Retreat

4 Glacial Fortress

4 Hallowed Fountain

2 Island

1 Moorland Haunt

1 Mountain

1 Plains

4 Steam Vents

4 Sulfur Falls

25 land


4 Augur of Bolas

4 Restoration Angel

4 Snapcaster Mage

12 creatures


3 Azorius Charm

2 Counterflux

1 Izzet Charm

4 Pillar of Flame

1 Rewind

1 Runechanter’s Pike

3 Sphinx’s Revelation

1 Supreme Verdict

1 Syncopate

2 Think Twice

4 Thought Scour

23 other spells



2 Dispel

4 Izzet Staticaster

3 Jace, Memory Adept

1 Negate

2 Oblivion Ring

1 Rest in Peace

1 Supreme Verdict

1 Talrand, Sky Summoner

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Erik Formo

Deck Name: U/W Control

3rd Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


3 Azorius Guildgate

1 Cavern of Souls

4 Glacial Fortress

3 Ghost Quarter

4 Hallowed Fountain

6 Island

5 Plains

26 land


2 Drogskol Reaver

2 creatures


3 Azorius Charm

1 Detention Sphere

2 Dissipate

1 Elixir of Immortality

1 Essence Scatter

4 Jace, Architect of Thought

1 Jace, Memory Adept

1 Negate

4 Sphinx’s Revelation

4 Supreme Verdict

2 Syncopate

2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

3 Terminus

3 Think Twice

32 other spells



2 Curse of Echoes

1 Detention Sphere

2 Dispel

2 Erase

1 Jace, Memory Adept

1 Negate

2 Rest in Peace

3 Rhox Faithmender

1 Terminus

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Bryan Wright

Deck Name: Bant Control

4th Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


1 Alchemist’s Refuge

2 Cavern of Souls

4 Glacial Fortress

4 Hallowed Foutain

3 Hinterland Harbor

2 Island

1 Nephalia Drownyard

1 Overgrown Tomb

4 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

26 land


2 Augur of Bolas

1 Restoration Angel

4 Thragtusk

7 creatures


1 Amass the Components

2 Azorius Charm

1 Detention Sphere

4 Dissipate

1 Elixir of Immortality

4 Farseek

1 Jace, Architect of Thought

4 Sphinx’s Revelation

4 Supreme Verdict

1 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

4 Think Twice

27 other spells



2 Azorius Charm

2 Centaur Healer

1 Detention Sphere

2 Dispel

2 Negate

1 Pithing Needle

1 Restoration Angle

2 Sigarda, Host of Herons

2 Terminus

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Thomas Cole

Deck Name: UWR

5th Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


2 Cavern of Souls

4 Clifftop Retreat

4 Glacial Fortress

4 Hallowed Fountain

1 Island

1 Moorland Haunt

4 Steam Vents

4 Sulfur Falls

24 land


4 Geist of Saint Traft

4 Restoration Angel

4 Snapcaster Mage

3 Thundermaw Hellkite

15 creatures


3 Azorius Charm

3 Counterflux

1 Feeling of Dread

1 Izzet Charm

3 Pillar of Flame

1 Runechanter’s Pike

3 Searing Spear

1 Sphinx’s Revelation

4 Thought Scour

1 Unsummon

21 other spells



1 Clone

2 Dispel

1 Feeling of Dread

4 Izzet Staticaster

1 Jace, Memory Adept

1 Negate

1 Rest in Peace

1 Sphinx’s Revelation

2 Supreme Verdict

1 Talrand, the Sky Summoner

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Korey Ashton

Deck Name: Four Score

6th Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


1 Blood Crypt

3 Cavern of Souls

2 Clifftop Retreat

1 Kessig Wolf Run

3 Overgrown Tomb

4 Rootbound Crag

4 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

2 Woodland Cemetery

24 land


2 Angel of Serenity

3 Centaur Healer

4 Huntmaster of the Fells

3 Loxodon Smiter

4 Restoration Angel

1 Sigarda, Host of Herons

4 Thragtusk

21 creatures


1 Abrupt Decay

4 Farseek

3 Garruk, Primal Hunter

1 Golgari Charm

2 Oblivion Ring

2 Selesnya Charm

2 Ultimate Price

15 other spells



1 Crushing Vines

1 Golgari Charm

3 Pillar of Flame

2 Rest in Peace

3 Rhox Faithmender

1 Sigarda, Host of Herons

2 Slaughter Games

1 Staff of Nin

1 Zealous Conscripts

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Shawn Casey

Deck Name: 5cc Ohh My

7th Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


1 Alchemist’s Refuge

1 Blood Crypt

2 Cavern of Souls

1 Dragonskull Summit

1 Glacial Fortress

1 Hallowed Fountain

2 Hinterland Harbor

1 Isolated Chapel

1 Kessig Wolf Run

1 Nephalia Drownyard

4 Overgrown Tomb

2 Rootbound Crag

1 Steam Vents

1 Sulfur Vents

2 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

26 land


1 Gisela, Blade of Goldnight

1 Griselbrand

4 Huntmaster of the Fells

4 Thragtusk

10 creatures


1 Abrupt Decay

3 Chromatic Lantern

2 Cure of Death’s Hold

1 Detention Sphere

4 Farseek

1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

3 Lingering Souls

1 Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker

2 Rakdos’s Return

3 Sphinx’s Revelation

1 Supreme Verdict

1 Terminus

1 Ultimate Price

24 other spells



1 Abrupt Decay

1 Curse of Echoes

1 Door to Nothingness

2 Duress

1 Elixir of Immortality

1 Jace, Memory Adept

2 Rest in Peace

2 Rhox Faithmender

2 Slaughter Games

2 Tragic Slip

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Louis Rowe

Deck Name: U/W Control

8th Place – Star City Games IQ 12/08/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


3 Azorius Guildgate

2 Ghost Quarter

4 Glacial Fortress

4 Hallowed Fountain

7 Island

6 Plains

26 land


2 Drogskol Reaver

2 creatures


3 Azorius Charm

1 Detention Sphere

2 Dissipate

1 Elixir of Immortality

1 Essence Scatter

4 Jace, Architect of Thought

1 Jace, Memory Adept

1 Negate

4 Sphinx’s Revelation

4 Supreme Verdict

2 Syncopate

2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

3 Terminus

3 Think Twice

32 other spells



2 Curse of Echoes

1 Detention Sphere

2 Dispel

2 Erase

1 Jace, Memory Adept

1 Negate

2 Rest in Peace

2 Rhox Faithmender

1 Snapcaster Mage

1 Terminus

15 sideboard cards

November at Blue Ox Games

This November we give our thanks for all of our customers by announcing more tournaments, more Learn to Play opportunities, and a great sale on Days of Wonder games like Small World and Ticket to Ride.

We also want to take this time to thank our troops with a permanent sale for our active duty military, their dependents, and veterans. Military personnel will get 15% off any full priced board games or gaming accessories like sleeves, dice, or paints.

Cardfight Vanguard Tuesday Night Fights

So every Tuesday Blue Ox Games will be bringing you more Cardfight and more chances to get packs. Starting at 6pm there will be an hour of open play, including time for new players to learn the game. Staring at 7pm there will be a $5 event and each player in the event will add two boosters to the prize pool.

At the end of the event players will draft the cards in order of the event standings. This will help more players get the cards they need to build their decks and hopefully help us grow our Cardfight community. So bring a friend and stand up your vanguard!

Learn to Play Kaijudo!

We will host a very special Learn to Play Kaijudo event on 11/24. Players will receive a Kaijudo Competitive Deck of their choice for only $8. We will briefly teach people how to play the game then we will have a tournament.  The top players will get booster pack prizes from whatever trading card game they choose (Kaijudo, Magic, Cardfight Vanguard, Legend of the Five Rings, or Yugioh).

Yugioh Event Bonuses

We are starting a new program for our Yugioh players.  Every time you play in a Yugioh event at Blue Ox Games your name will be entered into a raffle. We will draw two names a month and the winners will get some pretty sweet Yugioh products such as playmats, deck boxes, and booster packs.

So the more you play, the more you win at Blue Ox Games!

Warhammer 40,000 League & Tournament

Our Warhammer 40K league is back! No more map campaign just epic battles on Tuesday nights. If you already paid for the map campaign then you are already in this league which will go through December. Monthly winners will get $25 in store credit and the overall winner will get an additional $25 in store credit. Additional prizes depend on league participation. All games this month will be play at 1200 points with weekly scenarios announced on our Facebook page. Don’t forget that league members always get 10% off all Game Workshop products just for being a part of the league!

Our Warhammer 40K tournament will also be 1200 points with a different scenario for each round.  Winner is guaranteed a minimum prize of $50 in store credit! Entry fee is $10 for non-league members and $5 for league members.


Sale of the Month:

Be thankful for these Days of Wonder!

(all Days of Wonder games are 20% off)

Upcoming Events

11/1 - Commander league starts!

11/4 - Modern Win-a-Box @1pm

 (This event is a Blue Ox Invitational Qualifier - 1st place gets invite, but it rolls down)

11/5 - Learn to Play: Ticket to Ride @6pm

11/6 - Start Warhammer 40K League (1200points) @6pm

11/6 - Start Tuesday Night Cardfights! @6pm Learn to Play; @7pm tournament

11/10 - Yugioh Win-a-Box @4pm

11/11 - Free Modern Pauper Event (1st gets 5 RtR booster - minimum 8 players) @1pm

11/11 - Smash Up! Tourney 2pm

11/12 - Learn to Play: Small World 6pm

11/17 - Cardfight Win-a-Box $5 entry (12 players to give away box)

11/18 - Warhammer 40k Tourney 1200 points 1pm start

11/18 - Ascension tourney 2pm

11/19 - Learn to Play: Pirate’s Cove

11/21 - Close at 6pm for Thanksgiving

11/22 - Closed for Thanksgiving

11/23 - Reopen at 5pm.

11/24 - Learn to Play: Kaijudo event @4pm (Booster prizes from the game of your choice!)

11/25 - GPT Toronto ($25 entry, 1st Place guaranteed $125 & Invite to Blue Ox Invitational)

11/26 - Learn to Play: Memoir ‘44


Thanks for shopping Blue Ox Games and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me!


-Harry Frank, owner

Blue Ox Games


Deck lists from SCG Super IQ: Top 8

Player Name: Jared McMillin

Deck Name: 4CC

1st Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

61 cards


1 Alchemist Refuge

1 Forest

4 Glacial Fortress

4 Hallowed Fountain

3 Hinterland Harbor

1 Island

3 Overgrown Tomb

2 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

1 Vault of the Archangel

1 Woodland Cemetery

25 land


2 Angel of Serenity

1 Armada Wurm

4 Thragtusk

7 creatures


2 Abrupt Decay

1 Cyclonic Rift

2 Detention Sphere

4 Farseek

4 Forbidden Alchemy

3 Jace, Architect of Thought

3 Lingering Souls

1 Oblivion Ring

1 Sphinx’s Revelation

2 Supreme Verdict

2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

3 Terminus

1 Unburial Rites

29 other spells



3 Centaur Healer

1 Dissipate

1 Elixer of Immortality

1 Garruk Relentless

2 Negate

2 Purify the Grave

1 Rhox Faithmender

1 Sever the Bloodline

1 Terminus

2 Witchbane Orb

15 sideboard cards


Player Name: Alec Flint

Deck Name: Red

2nd Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


21 Mountain

21 land


4 Ash Zealot

2 Hellrider

4 Rakdos Cackler

4 Rakdos Shred-Freak

4 Stromkirk Noble

3 Vexing Devil

21 creatures


4 Flames of the Firebrand

2 Mizzium Mortars

4 Pillar of Flame

4 Searing Spear

4 Thunderous Wrath

18 other spells



4 Annihilating Fire

1 Devil’s Play

3 Frostburn Weird

1 Magmaquake

1 Mizzium Mortars

2 Reforge the Soul

1 Vandalblast

2 Zealous Conscripts

15 sideboard cards


Player Name: David Shiau

Deck Name: Bant Control

3rd Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


1 Alchemist’s Refuge

1 Evolving Wilds

1 Forest

4 Glacial Fortress

4 Hallowed Fountain

4 Hinterland Harbor

2 Island

2 Plains

2 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

25 land


2 Angel of Serenity

4 Thragtusk

6 creatures


4 Azorius Charm

3 Azorius Keyrune

3 Detention Sphere

2 Dissipate

1 Entreat the Angels

4 Jace, Architect of Thought

1 Oblivion Ring

1 Sphinx’s Revelation

2 Supreme Verdict

2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

3 Terminus

3 Think Twice

29 other spells



1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

3 Centaur Healer

3 Geist of Saint Traft

2 Sigarda, Host of Herons

2 Negate

2 Purify the Grave

1 Sundering Growth

1 Supreme Verdict

15 sideboard cards



Player Name: Bryan Butler

Deck Name: Bant Control

4th Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


3 Forest

4 Glacial Fortress

1 Ghost Quarter

2 Hallowed Fountain

4 Hinterland Harbor

3 Island

3 Plains

2 Sunpetal Grove

3 Temple Garden

25 land


3 Angel of Serenity

4 Thragtusk

7 creatures


4 Azorius Charm

3 Detention Sphere

2 Dissipate

4 Farseek

3 Jace, Architect of Thought

1 Oblivion Ring

3 Sphinx’s Revelation

2 Supreme Verdict

2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

4 Terminus

28 other spells



4 Centaur Healer

1 Jace, Architect of Thought

2 Negate

1 Oblivion Ring

1 Ray of Revelation

2 Rest in Peace

1 Selesnya Charm

1 Sundering Growth

2 Supreme Verdict

15 sideboard cards


Player Name: Michael Potente

Deck Name: Hoomons

5th Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


4 Cavern of Souls

2 Gavony Township

5 Plains

3 Selesnya Guildgate

4 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

22 land


4 Avacyn’s Pilgrim

4 Champion of Lamholt

4 Champion of the Parish

1 Doomed Traveler

3 Elite Inquisiter

3 Fiend Hunter

2 Mayor of Avabruck

2 Mikaeus, the Lunarch

3 Riders of Gavony

4 Silverblade Paladin

3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

33 creatures


4 Rancor

1 Selesnya Charm

5 other spells



3 Bonds of Faith

3 Crushing Vines

2 Garruk Relentless

2 Knight of Glory

1 Oblivion Ring

2 Rest in Peace

1 Selesnya Charm

1 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

15 sideboard cards


Player Name: Tim Alder

Deck Name: Frites

6th Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


4 Blood Crypt

3 Clifftop Retreat

4 Overgrown Tomb

3 Rootbound Crag

3 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

2 Woodland Cemetery

23 land


4 Angel of Serenity

3 Centaur Healer

2 Griselbrand

4 Thragtusk

13 creatures


2 Dreadbore

4 Faithless Looting

1 Golgari Charm

4 Grisly Salvage

3 Lingering Souls

4 Mulch

2 Sever the Bloodline

4 Unburial Rites

24 other spells



1 Centaur Healer

3 Duress

1 Elderscale Wurm

1 Golgari Charm

2 Oblivion Ring

2 Pithing Needle

1 Ray of Revelation

2 Rhox Faithmender

1 Sever the Bloodline

1 Vraska the Unseen

15 sideboard cards


Player Name: Bryan Wright

Deck Name: U/R Delver

7th Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


8 Island

4 Mountain

4 Steam Vents

4 Sulfur Falls

20 land


4 Blistercoil Weird

4 Delver of Secrets

4 Goblin Electromancer

3 Guttersnipe

2 Snapcaster Mage

17 creatures


2 Brimstone Volley

1 Chandra the Firebrand

1 Cyclonic Rift

1 Dissipate

2 Essence Scatter

1 Flames of the Firebrand

4 Inaction Injunction

3 Izzet Charm

2 Pillar of Flame

1 Syncopate

3 Talrand’s Invocation

2 Think Twice

23 other spells



3 Annihilating Fire

1 Bonfire of the Damned

3 Electrickery

1 Flames of the Firebrand

1 Magmaquake

3 Negate

1 Searing Spear

1 Sleep

1 Unsummon

15 sideboard cards


Player Name: Jay Carter

Deck Name: 4-Color Reanimator

8th Place – Star City Games Super IQ 10/20/12 at Blue Ox Games

Main Deck

60 cards


3 Blood Crypt

2 Clifftop Retreat

3 Isolated Chapel

2 Overgrown Tomb

4 Rootbound Crag

1 Shimmering Grotto

1 Sunpetal Grove

4 Temple Garden

1 Vault of the Archangel

2 Woodland Cemetery

23 land


3 Angel of Serenity

3 Centaur Healer

2 Griselbrand

1 Olvia Voldaren

4 Thragtusk

13 creatures


2 Dreadbore

4 Faithless Looting

4 Grisly Salvage

1 Liliana of the Veil

3 Lingering Souls

4 Mulch

2 Rolling Temblor

4 Unburial Rites

24 other spells



2 Deathrite Shaman

1 Duress

3 Knight of Glory

1 Naturalize

1 Oblivion Ring

1 Pillar of Flame

1 Rakdos’s Return

1 Ray of Revelation

1 Sever the Bloodline

1 Slaughter Games

2 Vraska the Unseen

15 sideboard cards