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Eevee - SV41/SV94 - Shiny Holo Rare

Eevee - SV41/SV94 - Shiny Holo Rare


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Extra Info

Ability: Ability Energy Evolution When you attach a basic Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon you may search your deck for a card that evolves from this Pokemon that is the same type as that Energy card and put it onto this Pokemon. (This counts as evolving this Pokemon.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
Attack #1: [1] Quick Draw Flip a coin. If heads draw 1 card.
Card Number: SV41/SV94
Card Type: Colorless
Finish: Holo
HP: 60
Name: Eevee
Rarity: Shiny Holo Rare
Retreat Cost: 2
Set: Hidden Fates
Stage: Basic
Weakness: Fighting